Great FREE business tools

In our ever growing quest to help small business owners, we want to share a few great FREE tools. We hope this helps with growing your business.
  1. Free Web Conferencing - Have you ever needed to set up a conference call and realized that 3 way calling through your local provider just wasn't cutting it! Try It allows you to setup a conference line for your clients to call into. You can hear everyone fine and best of all its free.
  2. Free Faxes - Through jconnect, you can receive faxes through your email in a .tif format. You receive a free phone number (local numbers cost money) and anyone can fax documents to that number and it comes to you in an email. Fantastic. Technology at its best. Try jconnect!
  3. Sending Large Files - Have you ever needed to send a large file but under a time crunch where sending a cd just wouldn't work? Yousendit is a great online tool that doesn't require special software to send up to 1gig files. Signup is free. Its a great tool and no FTP software or knowledge is required. Try yousendit.
Other tools that will help your business, is our U-Manage tool. U-Manage is a web site management tool that will allow you to make changes to your web site without any coding/HTML knowledge. Through our web interface admin panel, you can make all the changes to your web site over the web. Contact us today to learn how to manage your site more effectively.

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