Optimized Design for your Web Site

What exactly is optimized design you ask?

It works directly with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or the Search engine marketing of your web site. Optimized design of your web site takes into consideration all the factors needed for successful optimization of your web site.

  • User experience - Making sure the navigation of your site is easy for the end-user. Providing ease of use of your web site, allowing the viewer to find what they are looking for easily and quickly.
  • Graphic Design - Creating an eye-catching and compelling design that directly relates to your brand.
  • Optimization - Impletmenting the design while also making the web site search engine friendly by utilizing the best practices in web site programming. By implementing the best keywords and phrases through rigorous analysis of your competitors and industry.
While its great to have a site that looks great, in todays every growing web, you must realize that the basis of a web site is to attract new customers. Let us help you create a web presence which brings results with effective OPTIMIZED design that will help your bottomline.

Free Webinar/ Teleseminar Topic: How to get FOUND in the infinite internet – a bare bones basics approach to Website Marketing

JOIN US...TODAY! Bring your internet marketing questions and we'll tackle them on at our FREE Telseminar!!!

Dear Amanda,

I have made too-many-to-count mistakes when it comes to on-line marketing. A website can be a powerful tool for growing your business...IF you can make your way around the wierd concepts: html, SEO, blogging, auto-responders, and - gasp! - SPAM? What do those things MEAN? This Teleseminar will help you get savvy FAST so that you can use the internet to BOOM your business!

Join me for this month's HOT HOT HOT Teleseminar Topic: How to get FOUND in the infinite internet - a bare bones basics approach to Website Marketing

My Guest Star - Amanda Stewart of www.6thsensedesign.com

Amanda has helped me get a grip on expanding my internet business and can help you learn the bare bones basics!

The Teleseminar Date is TODAY, Tuesday, August, 21st at 1:00 pm Pacific Time 2:00 pm Mountain Time 3:00 pm Central Time 4:00 pm Eastern Time

And...GREAT NEWS. I have made the sign up process for this FREE Teleseminar soooo much easier. Just click here for the sign up form.


"See" you at the Teleseminar!

Thanks, Ellen Rohr, Bare Bones Biz