Adding a TweetMeme Button to Blogger

We have been tweaking our blog over the past month. Touch up here, touch up there. Today we decided to add a TweetMeme button. We are on Twitter so much that it seemed appropriate.

What do you think of the new button? Will you be adding one to your blog?

Go to TweetMeme Retweet Button to pick the right code for you. It works with Wordpress as well. It gives you a lot of options to tweak it. We made sure that the RT is by us. If you are looking to use it with Blogger then here are the steps to help you. We will show you how to post it at the end of your blog in the compact size and to add your name in the RT.

Follow these easy steps below to Adding a TweetMeme Button to Blogger:

  1. Sign in to your Blogger account and go to
    Dashboard -> Layout -> Edit HTML
    and click the checkmark Expand Widget Templates

  2. Now find the following code
    (NOTE: I used the search feature and looked for data:post.body)
    and paste the following code directly below

    <script type="text/javascript">
    tweetmeme_style = 'compact';
    tweetmeme_source = 'talktweetmeme';
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

    (NOTE: Where talktweetmeme is you will want to put your twitter handle)
    You may want to put a few <br /><br />

    before the code if you want a few extra spaces.

  3. It will look like this:Adding a TweetMeme Button to Blogger

  4. Save the template. And you are done!

I hope this was helpful.

Meta tags no more for organic search optimization

The days are a changing. Yahoo, announced at SMX that they are no longer using meta keywords for ranking. They are the last of the "BIG 3" to do so. While it may still be relevant for paid search, for organic it is not.

Remember the days, when SEO was much easier. Now, bloggers and content providers have to genuinely create relevant content and include the keywords directly inside the content. Don't get me started on the FTC's new rules. But... it also brings out those that create content specific for SEO keywords and not for content relevancy. What you then get are paragraphs of incomprehensible garbage. "SEO experts" you are not. Fear not, there are plenty of us that still believe in doing organic search the proper way and guys like Chris Brogan that have no problem calling you out which is why I think he is so wonderful.

I do find it interesting, that Yahoo didn't even announce it publicly. Its been a few months even. NO press releases. NADA. It was announced during a Q&A session at SMX. Danny Sullivan was even a bit surprised by it as I'm sure where the audience. To me, that is something I find "relevant" to knowing as an online marketer. Mainly, because even if one of the three is doing it then you still include it in code. I like to know when did they plan on letting us know?! If it wasn't for that Q&A how much longer would have Yahoo kept us in the dark?

So, now what shall I do with the few extra minutes we've been spared?! What will you do?