WebMasterWorld -Conf. for SEO Geeks

Geeks Unite!

Headed to Vegas for my first ever Search Engine Conference and first trip to Vegas. I was told that WMW was one of the best and it truely was. The conference was 3 full days and then the last day is always held at a pub, which is how the conference got its name.

The reason for going was to be able to speak to all the gurus at the search engines, speak to everyone else who is doing this and brainstorm on how things can be improved and what tools work better than others. I use a few different programs but I needed to find ones that are maybe more efficient. I wanted to also get up-to-date on the latest and greatest out there and what sites are great resources for staying up-t0-date. I found everything I needed to and then some. My clients will definitely benefit from this conference and the release date for doing SEO for my clients is January 1, 2007. So it came at a perfect time.

I didn't know what to expect or how the sessions would be. They were all very informative. So informative that I took well over 80 pages of notes. CDs will be sent but I didn't want to wait.

The first day just blew me away. There was so much information to take in. It was exhiliarating. The last 2 days of the sessions were just as fantastic. The keynote speakers also, were fabulous. Funny, informative and inspiring. Danny Sullivan, Guy Kawaski, Matt Cutts. All leaders in the industry. Especially Matt Cutts. He's the guy you want to know. He's the Spam engineer for Google. You make good with Google and you are golden for everyone else. It was also great to hear that all the main SE are forming together to make one standard sitemap.

I also had a chance to meet a few great vendors to help with text linking and ad buying. Which will be key to a successful SEO/SEM campaign.

Its been a long time going to my industry conferences and it was just a great experience. I learned a lot about RSS, Blogging (which is becoming a real necessity for all businesses), the standards for optimizing your web site and also what not to do to your site to try and get ranked quickly.

I also learned very quickly that these guys know how to do it right. What better way to finish off 8 hours of sessions then with an open bar right afterwards to allow you to wind down and really talk geek to everyone. Then the grand finalle was the pub meeting in NY NY. That is when I was really able to talk to everyone. I was able to really pick the brains of some really great people and meet others that will prove valuable to my SEO business.

It truely was a great conference and I'll do it again next year. What better place and time to have it then in Vegas in November.

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